There is a riverside tall herb community on the riverside edge of the plot. This community is big enough for a 10x40 plot. Verbesina alternifolia, Phalaris arundinacea, Tradescantia ohiensis, Dichanthelium clandestinum, Solidago canadensis, Chasmanthium latifolium, and then a band of Carex emoryi. These species could be part of this community. It is very narrow and the transition is hard to see.;Successional forest growing on high levee which appears to be seldom flooded. The community is narrow only slightly wider than the plot. It is hemmed in on the upland side by an obviously man altered back channel (rock walls and an old millstone). On the river side it quickly drops off to a tall herb community. Half of the plot has a dense hemlock shrub cover and a few herbs. The other side has little shrub cover and dense herb layer. There is a tiny patch of Pinus virginiana within the plot, (6 trees) all dying out, which is what most of the hemlock is under.
Plot is a small patch of successional white pine floodplain forest. This was placed here because of the aerial signature.